Choosing an auto insurance company is a decision that is not to be taken lightly. While there are several types of auto insurance companies available out there, not all of them are suitable for you. A handful of industry leaders dominates America’s insurance market.
Going by numbers, 50% of the auto insurance market is owned by the top four companies in the state. Here in this article, I have mentioned five leading auto insurance companies in the US from which you can choose. You can also read in-depth reviews about these companies on
1. State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Company
Owned by its policyholders, State Farm functions as a mutual insurance company. The leading company in the industry holds 18% of the market and takes more than 1.6 billion in profit annually. With around 20,000 agents, State farm also has one of the biggest networks in the industry.
If you are looking to buy your insurance via a local agent to gain a better experience, this one is a suitable option for you. However, it can be a bit expensive compared to other insurance companies.

GEICO enjoys the second-largest share in the auto insurance market and is one of the biggest insurance companies in the country. It has nine regional offices spread out across different states. GEICO’s customer base included the government workers and the US Army personnel only, but now it has expanded its service to the citizens working in private sectors as well.
It is not only readily available but offers a very affordable rate as well. Which makes it a viable option for anyone looking to buy auto insurance.
3. The Allstate Corporation
Allstate Corporation is one of the oldest auto insurance companies in the USA that has been functioning since 1931. It is not only providing its facilities in the USA but has also expanded to Canada. The company has a big roster of insurance agents spread throughout the country, which makes for a more personalized experience.
It also has a subsidiary named Esurance, which is targeted towards brand conscious customers. One of the qualities the company possesses is that it offers a wide range of discounts to its customers. However, it is not the cheapest insurance company available out there.
4. Progressive Corporation
Established in 1937, Progressive Corporation is one of the most popular and trusted insurance companies in the US. The best part about them is that you can purchase the insurance from the comfort of your home by ordering it via the internet or phone.
The company has more than 400 offices spread across the country and has independent insurance agents as well. It is also a publically traded company. Progressive Corporation also offers excellent rates to people who have had a prior accident.
USAA was established in 1922 by a bunch of army officers who thought it was an excellent idea to ensure each other’s vehicle. Today, the company has been serving millions of people associated with the US Army. The insurance is available to the present and former members of the military and their families, as well.
Cadets and Midshipmen also qualify for this insurance. USSA is undoubtedly one of the best auto insurance companies in the US, where you can enjoy affordable rates. So, if you meet the eligibility criteria for the insurance, this might be the right option for you.